Have you or someone in your family struggled with substance use?
Are you concerned about how your family will function after discharge from treatment or a hospitalization?
Do you worry about falling back into unhealthy and unsafe patterns of conflict, blame and mistrust?
Before Treatment
Sometimes family members worry that their loved one will not change their behavior or will not stop using. At Traverse Counseling & Consulting we believe that families and loved ones do not always fully understand their power and influence. A therapist can assist family member(s) in understanding how to align together to utilize their influence in powerful ways.
Traverse Counseling & Consulting also partners with skilled and compassionate Interventionists who can assist a family if they believe that an intervention experience is what is needed. The therapists at Traverse Counseling & Consulting can assist family members in determining if this is an appropriate approach for their situation.
While your loved one is in Treatment
While your loved one is working on personal recovery in treatment, families have important work to do in preparation for treatment discharge. Often there is a sense of fear and anxiety felt by family members at the time of transition. Children, especially, may suffer silently while families are in the grasp of mental illness and/or substance use disorders.
After Treatment
To move beyond the important educational components provided in treatment programs, families frequently need extended expert consultation, planning and support for long-term success.
Our Therapists work with families to develop a treatment plan that:
- Stabilizes the family beyond the recovering member’s return and the “honeymoon” period often anticipated
- Resets the emotional and physical safety critical for all members, especially young children
- Normalizes ways to discuss Substance Use in a way that does not blame or shame, but instead seeks to set up healthy boundaries and a healthy way to discuss concerns about Substance Use.
- Identifies the needs and a path to relationship repair, including assessing the needs of children and responding to their voice
- Assists family members in creating functional and healthy communication patterns, coping skills, and problem-solving processes
Our process is designed to be flexible in meeting family needs over a short and/or long period of time.
The Therapists at Traverse Counseling & Consulting are equipped to assist you in navigating your way to a healthier functioning family dynamic. To learn more about Family Therapy at Traverse Counseling & Consulting, call our office or send an email to info@traversecc.org.